Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Small Stone 4: My Talisman

Small, smooth dark gray stone.
A talisman, my comfort,
waiting in chaos, 
hoping for the best. 

My little stone today is an actual smooth, gray stone that for some reason I placed into my pocket this morning on the way out the door. Throughout the day I have reached into my pocket and touched the stone, reminding me of my words, stay positive.

As the day progressed, the frustrations could have mounted as we worked through the tangle of papers and legal-eze that surrounded one case on my plate. As others vented their impatience and anger, I stayed the calm eye in the storm.

And then a phone call changed everything. My son was having a health crisis and I needed to take him directly to the hospital. As I waited in the ER, my patience was stretched to the limits. I took out my smooth talisman and squeezed tight. Everything would be alright. I need to stay calm and focused for my kid's sake.

It's been a long day and it's not over yet, but I am thankful that I have maintained my inner peace in the midst of the chaos of the day. I'm heading back to the hospital with my smooth stone in my pocket.

1 comment:

  1. I think I need a stone or two! Hope and pray your son is okay.
