Monday, March 26, 2012

Feather the Nest

Saturday we went to an art show in the park.
I bought a print from Thailand with a beautiful saying attached.
It was hard to choose just one, but just standing under the tent
looking at all of the beautiful people and faces this artist had captured
with his lens, filled me with light and hope-even as the day grew gray and rainy.

I found other artists who brought a smile to my face.
My other purchase was a strip of colored glass.
It looks like a rainbow and I am going to hang it from a window where I can
watch the light make rainbows on the wall.

I am slowly realizing that I am purchasing these items to feather a nest- my own space.
I want a space of my own in which to read and write, filled with beautiful pieces
that inspire and excite me.

Check out the artist's website:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annette. nice musings ! hope all is well w/ you & Bob . Will ya'll make it to Gamblefest this year ? Pax Vobiscum !!
